
Deploying an entire Internet of Things satellite constellation across five dedicated Electron missions

Rocket Lab has been awarded a contract to deploy an entire constellation of 25 satellites across five dedicated Electron missions for Kine虂is, a global Internet-of-Things (IoT) connectivity provider. With launches beginning in 2024, the constellation will enable Kine虂is, a company backed by private and public investors including the French government鈥檚 space agency CNES (Centre National d'E虂tudes Spatiales) and CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) an international space-based solutions provider, to improve its global IoT connectivity.

Kine虂is currently operates the Argos system, an international scientific collaboration between CNES, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), to monitor wildlife, fisheries, and to collect data about Earth鈥檚 climate and environment through CLS. Kine虂is鈥 new constellation will complete the current system with more powerful 30kg-class nanosats that integrate IoT technology and a ship-tracking Automatic Identification System (AIS). Once deployed, this technology will allow Kine虂is to expand across multiple industries and scale from 20,000 devices connected to millions.

The proven accuracy and reliability of Electron鈥檚 Kick Stage in successfully deploying 100+ satellites to date was a decisive factor in Kine虂is selecting Rocket Lab as its launch partner. The Kick Stage will act as an orbital transfer vehicle to deliver each satellite in the Kine虂is constellation to their precise orbital planes at a 650km altitude, allowing Kine虂is to avoid sacrificing spacecraft mass for propulsion and to begin a fully operational service as quickly as possible.

Read more: Rocket Lab Lands Multi-色花堂 Deal to Deploy Entire IoT Satellite Constellation for Kine虂is

More about Kine虂is:
