Sub Assemblies
& Accessories
Innovative, lightweight,
and with a perfect flight record
Accessories provide valuable mission and integration functionality. They support a wide array of in-flight and ground-test applications. Accessories are a valuable tool whenever signal transfer is required across low-force interfaces. All Accessories are NASA Technology Readiness Level 9 (TRL-9). They can be delivered installed on a Lightband or separately to allow future installation by the user.
We recommend placing your order through our authorized distributor听.

Advanced Lightband Accessories
Separation Connector
- Low force 30-pin connector pair that minimizes in-flight rotation.
- Used to pass electric signal across the separation interface.
- Seamless integration with ALB in deployed configuration.
- Contact PSC for purchase details.

Motorized Lightband Accessories
Separation Connector
- Low force 15-pin connector pair that minimizes in-flight rotation.
- Used to pass electric signal across the separation interface.
- Seamless integration with Lightband stowed or deployed configurations.
- Available for purchase through our authorized distributor, Powell Electronics.
- Attachment hardware included.
Separation Switch
- Low force electromechanical switch that minimizes in-flight rotation.
- Used to communicate a separation event to adjoining space vehicles.
- Seamless integration with Lightband in stowed or deployed configurations.
- Available for purchase through our authorized distributor, Powell Electronics.
- Attachment hardware included.
Lightband Compression Tool
- Ground support equipment to prepare the Lightband for stow operations when integration constraints prevent nominal compression.
- Can be removed before flight or remain installed for launch.
- Seamless integration with MLB.
- Contact PSC for purchase details.
- LCT Procedure is detailed in the current revision of the MLB Operating Procedure.
Canisterized Satellite Dispenser Accessories
Separation Connector
- Low force 15-pin connector pair that minimizes in-flight rotation.
- Used to pass electric signal across the separation interface.
- Seamless integration with CSD.
- Available for purchase through our authorized distributor, .
- Attachment hardware included.